THE SURPRISING STORY OF HOPE FOR OUR TIMETHE BLOOMA Journey Through Transformational Festivals
THE SURPRISING STORY OF HOPE FOR OUR TIMETHE BLOOMA Journey Through Transformational Festivals
The Bloom reveals the story of the millennial counterculture
of our times, the world of transformational festivals
More than just another music festival, transformational festivals cross over into the realm of re-imagining what the realities we create together could possibly be like. From Burning Man to Boom, Envision to Earth Frequency, Ozora to Beloved, The Bloom documentary series takes viewers on a year-long adventure around the globe to explore this vibrant world and the visionary characters who make the magic happen.
Together We Experience A World That Seems Impossible
On A Journey We Will Never Forget
Straight To The Heart Of The Human Experience
An Unforgettable Adventure For Our Times
Ground-breaking 12-Episode Documentary Series takes viewers on a journey with Jeet-Kei Leung & The Bloom Squad as they investigate the greatest transformational festivals around the planet. They follow the stories behind the festivals—the producers, the artists, the builders, and the participants who find their tribe in them. It’s all on a quest to uncover the emergent culture being birthed through the festivals—and what it means to how we live as humans at this unprecedented moment in history.
"This is the documenting of a time in history that will either be looked back upon as humanity’s ultimate awakening or the moment when we lost it all! I for one believe that with enough exposure this powerful story will be a catalyst for real inspired change, the kind of change that reshapes what we collectively believe is possible for our future! I believe in you and this vision of The BLOOM!"
- John
"I love this series so much. Every time I watch a Bloom video I get filled with inspiration and energy…"
- Philo Lila
"The Bloom is a gift and your dedication to documenting such a profoundly important historical event as it is unfolding across these many decades is remarkable."
- Samuel Newton
"I have witnessed the profound impact these festivals have had on people, myself included. People who have emerged with a new hope in their life... I have full faith that with Jeet-Kei at the helm, The Bloom will capture the essence of this underground scene... We need this type of media content to provide hope and tangible ways to build community during these dark times."
- Petra Studer
"What the world needs right now is for human goodness to bloom. Transformational festivals are designed to maximize that, and The Bloom is designed to spread that message more broadly, inspiring the cultural shift and values that just might save the world. Thank you Jeet-Kei and team for taking on this mission!"
- Sean Von Stade
"Thank you so much for all the work you’ve put into capturing the ineffable beauty of these festivals and life-time connections made there. Its incredible how each year the discoveries and transformations become deeper and more profound."
- Laura
"This is going somewhere, you are planting seeds for a future humanity that might actually bloom!"
- Poldor
"The transformational festival concept is now in full swing all over the planet Earth… The Bloom is the series that will tell our story right and leave a legacy for the new generations to come."
- Tiago Pereira
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Photo/Art Credits
Top: “In every lifetime I will find you” Michael Benisty at Burning Man (USA) – Photo Trey Ratcliff
2L: Pyrodanza Envision Festival (Costa Rica) – Photo Eric Allen
2M: Deya Dova at Envision Festival by Eric Allen
2R: Fanny La Loca Tribal Gathering (Panama) – Photo Shoot Your Shot
3: La Jaguara Art Car by Playaskool Burning Man
4: Envision Festival – Photo Eric Allen
5: Boom Festival (Portugal) – Photo Jakob Kolar